Wednesday, November 19, 2008

EDM 310 Podcast

The four podcasts that I listened to were all different. That was definitely something I liked. I'm glad that there wasn't a specific set of guidelines given to us. It gave us the freedom to actually have a discussion. Some groups did sound like they were simply reading from a sheet of paper, but for the most part they sounded like an unrehearsed discussion. Sometimes groups sounded "stuck", and no one spoke for a moment. That broke up the discussion and made it seem like there was not a whole lot left to talk about.

I thought that my podcast went well. We all researched our information individually so we didn't come up with the same material to talk about. We did sound a bit rehearsed at first, but as we got more used to doing the podcast we sounded more fluid. There were moments of silence with my group, but I felt like we picked it up pretty quickly. We did leave out what YouTube actually is. We should have led off with that.

I would like to emphasize how good one podcast was in particular. "The Last Lecture" of Randy Pausch: Lessons Learned was the best podcast that I listened to. I was there in person when the recording took place, and I listened to it again for this assignment. I was very impressed with this group including Ginny Grant, Sandi Sadlock, Christina Ardoin and Brian O'Gwynn. They were very well prepared and passionate about what they were talking about. In class that night, they caught my attention more than any other group. As I said, they were well prepared but did not seem rehearsed.