Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Randy's attitude towards life was wonderful. He had such a great outlook with the idea of enjoying everyday like it is your last. He was diagnosed with cancer. The way that he presented his lecture was strong and he seemed not at all scared about the grim fact that he was dying from those ten tumors.

As I was listening to him, I found myself wondering what it would be like to be in a room with a man like that. Those were lucky people who got to hear him lecture. I'm sure that his attitude towards life changed some of the minds in that room.

Randy had big dreams and big ideas. In talking about those dreams he was so descriptive and inspiring that it was like you were right there with him wanting those very same things.

The main point that I got from his lecture was that with all the things that life throws at you and takes away, you may not always get what you want, but everything happens for a reason.

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